「我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛 上帝的人得益處。」 [羅馬書8:28]
- 將臨期-將臨燭環禮儀(附馬槽聖景適用)[第一式]牧師主禮適用(林振偉法政牧師提供)(word)
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- 萬物皆有時(學校節期崇拜分享會)(林振偉法政牧師提供)(ppt)
- 將臨及聖誕之節期簡介(林振偉法政牧師提供)(pdf)
- 教會年曆結構(林振偉法政牧師提供)(pdf)
- 2011年大齋期致學校信 (word)
- 致校長-2011大齋期資料 (word)
- 致校長-2011大齋期資料 Eng (word)
- 2011年大齋期教學輔助補充資料夾 (word)
- 2011年大齋期教學輔助補充資料 意見表 (word)
- Lent – A Different Approach to Fasting (ppt)
- 大齋期 – 不一樣的齋戒 (ppt)
- 苦路十四站 (pdf)
- 復活日至基督君王主日 (word)
- Easter to Christ the King Sunday (word)
- 將臨期-聖誕-顯現期 Advent-Christmas-Epiphany (ppt)
- 教會年曆 Church Year (ppt)
- 教會節期禮儀及意義(陳謳明大主教提供) (ppt)
- 學校將臨期禮儀(林振偉法政牧師提供) (ppt)
- 紀念主基督誕生崇拜禮儀(林振偉法政牧師提供) (ppt)
- 學校節期崇拜手冊(林振偉法政牧師提供) (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文 Passion & Resurrection of Christ (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文 Pentecost (Rite 1) (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文 Pentecost (Rite 2) (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文 Ascension (Rite 1) (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文 Ascension (Rite 2) (word)
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- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文 Lent (Rite 1) (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文 Lent (Rite 2) (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文 Lent-Easter-Pentecost (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文 Easter (English version) (word)
- 學校大齋期禮儀 Lent Services (ppt)
- 學校大齋期禮儀 Lent Services – Week 2 (ppt)
- 學校大齋期禮儀 Lent Services – Week 3 (ppt)
- 學校大齋期禮儀 Lent Services – Week 4 (ppt)
- 學校大齋期禮儀 Lent Services – Week 5 (ppt)
- 學校基督受難及復活 (ppt)
- 週年校慶感恩崇拜 (word)
- 週年校慶感恩崇拜暨畢業禮 (word)
- 基督受難經文(馬可福音)B年2013 (word)
- 基督受難經文(馬太福音)A年2014 (word)
- 升天日禮文(第一式) (ppt)
- 升天日禮文(第二式) (ppt)
- 聖靈降臨日 (ppt)
- The Order of Service of Christmas for Schools (word)
- The Order of Service of Advent for Schools (word)
- The Order of Service of Ascension for Schools (word)
- The Order of Service of Christmas for Schools (word)
- The Order of Service of Christmas for Schools V1 (word)
- The Order of Service of Passion-Easter for Schools (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文_Ascension (Rite 1_修訂_2018) (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文_Ascension (Rite 2_修訂_2018) (word)
- 聖公會學校崇拜禮文_Passion Resurrection of Christ (修訂_2018) (word)
- 學校適用之節期禮儀 2018 (ppt)
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